Laura's Uniques on!
It's A quiet sunday morning, just like I my art studio (actually the guest bedroom I just like to call it a studio), anyway, in my studio, and just looking at everything I have done the last couple of days, and all I have planned to do going forward...I love this business of "taking inventory" on myself and my work, in which I also have a deeply private process that keeps me on the right path as well....Today just felt like a good day for it...Here is what I have made this week with a few words about techniques and tutorials and things like, Grab some coffee and get ready for just a bit of eye candy- and away we go!
1. My most fav handmade cover for an art book I have made so has so many layers I can't even remember what some of the things are that I added on...It is called" the Zebra book", because of the zebra charm at the end of the bead tail. Measures just a bit over 4 x 4 inches, and each page is original copies, all mine and all new!
One of my fav pages in my new art book, love the curliques in the tail, and adding the rhinestones just set it he becomes "Curlique Brdie" and will be used again later down the line..I fixed the pearl that is out of control in this pic, just FYI for all of us OCD people out there, lol!!'s all I can say...curlique Birdie and Gummi Town getting together...almost more than i can deal with! Look closely at the house page, and you will understand why the page has that name...anyway, this journal is in my etsy shop for purchase if interested...Shop name is "Laura's Uniques". Come look around and at least window shop...
This is my new birthday icon that I use for online birthdays..I am loving the colors and it just makes me happy to look at it, so I shared it with everyone!
All of these were done on either watercolor paper, watercolor tiles that are pre-cut to 4 x 4 inches, or corrugated cardstock. On all of these, I used mostly watercolors, assorted permanent markers, some acrylic paints, and a touch of distressing with inks and colored pencils to go along with the pre-cut embellies. I wanted to make them "mine"...some are 4 x 4 inches, some are 2 x 2 inches, some are ATC sized, some are postcard sized....and on and on it goes..
Here is another gift box, I just love these!! Making them has been kind of a time consumer because they are little, only 2 inches x 2 inches, that doing the details are much harder to get right...this little cutie is in my Etsy Shop as well...
I love making these art books, as well as the tiny gift boxes, I put so much of my heart and soul into each page, I hope that people can sense that emotion when they look at the books and everything else in person..
And then, it is getting really late, and I force myself to stop and go to bed, lol...I lay there thinking of more designs...more details, more questions about techniques, which I will have to Google..
Anyway...I hope you are having a great Sunday, and have a lovely week ahead of yourself!!
In the meantime,
Happy Creating!!
Laura's Uniques on!